☎ 925.364.7297

About Us

For over thirty years, we at ETS have been using our expertise to offer our clients environmental solutions. Now we’ve established this blog to provide you with valuable information and updates in environmental-services issues.

Who We Are

Founded in 1993 by a group of dedicated environmental experts, ETS is a California-based company that employs a diverse range of certified specialists in many different fields, including safety, engineering, geology, and industrial hygiene. We offer a variety of services, backed up with a strict quality assurance program and comprehensive insurance policies.

ETS is an equal opportunity employer.

What We Do

Our goal at ETS is to help your company be as environmentally sound as possible. The services we provide include:

Site Audits. Are you the owner or operator of a facility struggling to reduce liabilities and navigate the often difficult and complex regulatory requirements? We can help. We know the rules backwards and forwards, and we can tell you what you need to do in order to follow them. Our site audits will be customized to accommodate your unique needs. We offer a three-step environmental site assessment, facility audits, and environmental impact reports.

Underground Storage Tank Investigations. Are you complying with all current regulations to prevent leaks in your underground storage tanks? If you’re not sure, we can tell you. We can also periodically check to make sure that your tanks are in good working order, and if they’re not, we can remove them for you in an environmentally friendly manner.

Asbestos and Lead Management. We employ a team of experts who have undergone the rigorous Cal/OSHA and CDPH certification processes and who remain up-to-date on advancements in their fields through continuing education. We can perform a site survey on your property to determine the presence of asbestos or lead and, if we find it, help you deal with these potentially hazardous materials. We’ll make sure you understand federal regulations and guidelines for the proper way to approach lead and asbestos, and assist you in the abatement process. Our findings are verified by an independent laboratory to ensure that no mistakes are made.

Indoor Air Quality Services. Many factors could be contributing to indoor air pollution at your facility. You may have a serious air quality problem without even realizing it. Our team can evaluate the quality of the air at your workplace and provide recommendations to improve it should we detect a problem. We can also perform an HVAC system assessment to determine if your current system is operating as efficiently as possible.

Health, Safety, and Regulatory Compliance. Our employee health and safety programs focus on training workers to prioritize workplace safety and understand how to maintain a vigilant attitude toward health and safety concerns, such as the management of hazardous materials and emergency response. Our Certified Safety Professionals will work with you to develop a safety program specifically tailored to fit your workspace. We can also train Site Safety Officers to maintain safe working conditions in the future. These are just a few of the ways you can benefit from ETS’s expertise. See our main website for more details.


ETS is here to help you with any environmental concerns or questions you may have. Watch this space in the future for more free information on environmental protection.